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Ethical Channel


Dinahosting’s Ethical Channel is exclusively destined to receiving reports about breaches of regulations by the organization or its members, so that anybody who has or has had an employment relationship with dinahosting and has become aware of serious or very serious administrative breaches or offences is able to report them to us, as well as to obtain the protection provided for in Act 2/2023, of 20 February, which governs the protection of people who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption.

Basic principles of the procedure for handling reports

The basic principles behind the way the channel is handled are: the non-disclosure of the identity of people who submit reports and that of any third parties mentioned in them, as is the case of the actions taken in handling and processing them, and the information received; compliance with the provisions on personal data protection, pursuant to heading IV of Act 20/2023, of 20 February; abiding by the principle of the presumption of innocence and the reputation of the individuals involved, and the full protection of informants.

How the channel works

Reports may be anonymous or signed, and may be submitted in writing, verbally or in person. To submit a report, you just have to go to the Ethical Channel and select the option 'Submit a new report'. The information will be received by the head of the ethical Channel, who will be responsible for handling it, either directly or through a manager appointed to deal with these matters, under the terms provided for in Procedures for Handling Disclosures.

When the message has been registered, an acknowledgement of receipt will appear on the screen, alongside a unique identifier and an alphanumeric password that will allow the person who enters the information to monitor the procedure from the 'Query' section on the ethical Channel.

The Ethical Channel may not be used to submit reports and/or claims about the services rendered by dinahosting (such as reports about unlawful contents on websites or about how a service engaged works). This type of communications can be sent through the channels specifically enabled to do so.

If you have any questions about other issues, you may contact us through the other channels available on the website.

Access to the Ethical Channel