Domain rates .eu
- 1 year
8,49 €
- 2 years
16,47 €
Savings 0,51 € - 3 years
24,71 €
Savings 0,76 € - 5 years
41,18 €
Savings 1,27 € - 10 years
82,35 €
Savings 2,55 € - Transfers
5,99 €
Minimum hiring period for domains .eu is 1 year.
The domain for the European Union. In Galician, Portuguese, and Rumanian it means "I" and in the Basque Country is has been used as the short for Euskadi.
8,49 €
16,47 €
24,71 €
41,18 €
82,35 €
5,99 €
Minimum hiring period for domains .eu is 1 year.
1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years.
You can renew your domain before the end of the registration period. We recommend activating auto-renewal from the Control Panel.
You need the authcode and authorize the transfer from the administrator’s email contact
No special requirements; do it from your Control Panel.
The domain is desactivated during the 30-day Grace Period, even though it can still be renewed. Redemption Period is 40 days long and during this period you can get it back with a penalty price of € 20 + VAT.
The domain is available for registration 70 days after the end of its registration period..