Domain rates .solutions
- 1 year
26,99 €
- Transfers
24,78 €
Minimum hiring period for domains .solutions is 1 year.
A perfect alternative to the traditional .com or .net if you do ewb development, consultancy or have a services business and want to stand ahead from the competition with a simple and original domain.
26,99 €
24,78 €
Minimum hiring period for domains .solutions is 1 year.
1 year.
You can renew your domain before the end of the registration period. We recommend activating auto-renewal from the Control Panel.
Your domain must be unlocked and you need the authcode. In addition, you will receive a confirmation email in the administrator’s contact account.
No special requirements; do it from your Control Panel.
The domain will remain deactivated during a 30-day grace period (30 days); you will still be able to renew it, the redemption period is 30 days and you can get it back with a € 100 + VAT penalty price; the pending delete period is 5 days and you won’t be able to get it back.
The domain will be free for an approximate period of 60-80 days upon termination of the registration period.